Invested over 20,000 USD to renew my Glassnode Enterprise Version for the 1024 Capital Team. With the help of these indicators, I was able to sell BTC near the peak at 61,000 USD in November 2021 and buy in at the dip at 16,000 USD in December 2022. This Enterprise Version is incredibly powerful, and I will be providing a review of how I successfully navigated the market. In the future, I will irregularly share timely core data with my followers.摘要:Spent20KUSDtorenewmyGlassnodeEnterpriseVersionformy1024CapitalTeamTheseindicatorshelpedmetosellBTCnearthetoparound61KinNov2021,andDCABTCatthedip16KinDec2022...
Spent 20K USD to renew my Glas