The most common mistake young people make is:Work hard and buy a house without thinking.There is no faster way to fall down the social ladder.But young people are prone to make this mistake, they are arrogant and idealistic when they enter society. They are not in a hurry to buy a house, they wait until they have a good job and money, and then buy a good one.Don't, if you think like this, you may never be able to afford it.The rise of wealth is never based on overtime, but on choices.One wrong step, and you will make mistakes all the way.With a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, no matter how hard you work, raising it to 6,000 yuan will not make any essential difference. You expect to save more money for the down payment, that is pure ignorance.Always remember this sentence: The return rate of labor can never catch up with the return rate of capital.摘要:Themostcommonmistakeyoungpeoplemakeis:WorkhardandbuyahousewithoutthinkingButyoungpeoplearepronetomakethismistake,theyarearrogantandidealisticwhentheyentersociety...
"The Mistake of Rushing to Buy a House"